Pricing Plans That Deliver First

Our pricing models are designed with a delivery-first approach. We prioritize getting functional, high-impact educational tools into the hands of teachers and learners quickly. This ensures that the investment begins to return value from day one, with scalable options to expand and enhance features as needed.

Reducing Risk with Tested Prebuilt Components

We mitigate risk by offering tested prebuilt components within our pricing plans. These components have been proven in real-world educational settings, ensuring reliability and effectiveness. This approach allows institutions to adopt new technologies with confidence, knowing that they are building on a solid foundation.

Enabling Technology Transfer Without Long-Term Dependence

Our goal is to facilitate technology transfer that empowers educational institutions without creating long-term dependencies. We offer continued support and updates as required, while ensuring that schools retain full control and ownership of their technology and the capacity to manage and adapt it independently.

Inclusive of Technology Documentation and IP Filing Support

Our pricing plans include comprehensive technology documentation to support users at every step. We also provide assistance with patent and intellectual property filing, safeguarding the innovations that educational institutions develop as they use our technologies.

Confidentiality at All Times

Confidentiality is paramount in all our operations. We ensure that all data, communications, and intellectual property are handled with the utmost discretion, maintaining privacy and security for our partners and their innovations.